PvP Events Guide

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Staff member
Mar 28, 2022
  1. * In this section I will go over all of the PvP events that are available on Divinity PW NEWLIFE, We have installed Automated PvP events such as Crystal Protection and Capture the flag, along with 1v1/3v3/6v6 arena, Thursday Night Fights, NW, and TW.
    TW aka Territory Wars
  2. * Territory Wars is a weekly PvP Event for factions to battle against one another for control of territories. There are a total of 52 territories, all of which are located in the Midlands.Players can view the Territory War map by pressing the M key and clicking on the "Territories" button on the bottom right of the screen. Having control of a territory comes with many benefits such as generating coin revenue, convenient teleportation, and the ability to craft exclusive Apothecary items.
    Rules for Declaring War * Your guild can only attack one territory per week. * If your guild currently does not own any territories, then you can only declare war on Tier 3 territories. * If your guild already owns territories, then you can only declare war on territories that are adjacent to your existing territories. * In order to declare war on a Tier 2 territory, you must already own at least two Tier 3 territories and at least one of your territories must be directly adjacent to it. * In order to declare war on a Tier 1 territory, you must already own at least three territories and at least one of your territories must be directly adjacent to it. Bidding * Upon deciding which territory your guild has set its eyes on, you must then bid for the right to fight for said territory. Speak with a Teleport Master or your local Battle Coordinator between Wednesday 7:00pm and Thursday 7:00pm (server time) to place a bid. * You only get to bid once and you cannot see what other guilds have bid, so if you are unsure then it would be safest to bid high. Scheduling * Saturday: 5:00PM – 5:10PM * Saturday: 7:00PM – 7:10PM * Sunday: 5:00PM – 5:10PM * Sunday: 6:30PM – 6:40PM (edited)

    The Battle
    * Territory wars are exciting and competitive, regardless of whether you're battling another guild for ownership of a territory, or even battling NPCs for a neutral territory. The following rules apply to all Territory Wars: * Chi is set to zero once a user enters the battleground. * Buffs gotten before entering the battleground are kept on entering, not including buffs that would disappear on map swap (F.E. invigorate, lunar guidance,..) * The embrace function is disabled while in the battleground. * You can jump, use riding mounts, and fly. * There is no experience penalty from being killed by monsters in a Neutral Territory War. * Anyone who quits or leaves their guild will be instantly ejected from the battleground. * In order to participate in your guild's Territory War, you must be a member of your guild for at least 100 hours prior to the war. * Factions are assigned either red or blue in a PvP Territory War. * A war lasts at maximum 1 hour and 40 minutes. * Neutral Territory: If you are fighting for a neutral territory (a territory that is not yet owned by a guild) then the war itself is really quite simple. Kill all the monsters in the zone before the timer runs out. * Foreign Territory: If your guild is attacking a territory that is already owned by another guild, then a true battle takes place. * Two guilds are situated on map on opposite corners. The attacking guild wear the red color and the defending guild blue. Each guild has a crystal inside their base that can be destroyed. There are three routes between both bases. * Both the attacking and defending guilds can control catapults and build different types of towers for defense. * Depending on the Territory level, an increasing number of catapults are given to the attacking faction. * Level 1 Territory : Attacking Faction has 8 catapults to the defenders 4 catapults. * Level 2 Territory : Attacking Faction has 6 catapults to the defenders 4 catapults. * Level 3 Territory : Both attacking and defending factions have 4 catapults, giving no side an advantage. * The Territory War is over once the crystal inside one guild's base has been destroyed, or time has run out (1h 40min).
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Staff member
Mar 28, 2022
Nation Wars
* Nation Wars is a weekly group PvP event, where players are split into two nations to fight against one another.

Entering Nation Wars
* At 8:15pm (server time) every Friday and Sunday, Overseer Aeban spawns in all major cities. At this point you can take a quest from Overseer Aeban to receive a Nation War Entry Pass. At 8:20pm (server time), you will be able to talk to Overseer Aeban to enter Nation Wars. You will be randomly assigned to one of the two nations (Dark, Light).
* If you are in a squad, your entire squad will be assigned to the same nation. To enter as a squad, the squad leader will need to talk to Overseer Aeban to enter Nation Wars the same way one would if they were entering alone. All squad members need to meet the level and cultivation requirements, be in range, and have their Nation War Entry Pass.
* You will spawn in your nation's base, which is a safe zone. You cannot cast skills here or see players, and the nation's base cannot be attacked by other nations. Functions and Battles
* Each territory is worth a certain amount of points. If your nation is holding these territories, it will add to their total score.
* Capture the flag: 3 points
* Crystal contest: 5 points
* Bridge battle: 1 point
* You can attack any of the territories that are in contact with the land your nation owns, unless there is a battle blocking your way. To attack a territory or join an existing battle, click on the territory, confirm you want to go there. A line showing your path to that territory will appear, with a small yellow person running to indicate you traveling to that territory. Traveling to territories takes time; the further away the territory is, the longer it will take to travel there. A popup window while traveling will indicate how long it will take to travel to that territory. You can stop on any territory on the way and continue your path from there by pressing the cancel button.
* You can also travel to a territory that is occupied by your nation and right-click out of the map to spawn in a safe zone area where you can buff up and prepare for the next battle with other friendly players in the same territory. This safe zone is where players will spawn after a battle.
* Personal credits indicate how much you have contributed in Nation Wars, and are used to determine the amount of Supply Tokens you will receive at the end. There are many ways to gain credits, including, but not limited to:
* Dealing damage to other players.
* Killing other players.
* Healing other players.
* Picking up the flag (capture the flag).
* Delivering the flag (capture the flag).
* Digging crystals (crystal contest).
* Dealing damage to towers (bridge battle)
* How well your team does in the battle (win/lose).
* The maximum amount of credits that can be gained in one battle is 2,150.


Staff member
Mar 28, 2022
Capture The Flag Automated Event
  • Every 6 hours there will be a Quest at Divinity Manager that spawns near every teleporter in every main city. This NPC will have a quest labeled "Enter CTF". You cannot enter this event with a squad, you will automatically be split up to even out the teams. The NPC will have this quest at 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 Server Time.
  • There will be 2 teams, Red and Blue. The objective is to dig the flag and deliver it to the opponents side of the map. In doing so your team will receive a point. First to 3 captures wins the event. You will go to 1 of the 10 NPCs named "Exiting Capture the Flag" to claim your reward.
  • Winning team will receive - 800 Event Coins which can be exchanged at Divinity manager for a vast variety of rewards
  • Losing team will receive - 300 Event Coins which can be exchanged at Divinity manager for a vast variety of rewards
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Staff member
Mar 28, 2022
Crystal Protection

Event time
03:00 09:00 15:00 21:00 Server Time

How to enter?
Take a quest from Divinity Manager at time given above. Divinity Manager can be found by the City of Plume, Thousand Streams and West Archosaur teleporters.
Registration is available only for one minute! Once you take the quest from Divinity Manager, you will have to dig a chest to be teleported inside event area.

Event basics
Once teleported to the event map, you will be randomly put into Blue or Red team.
Both teams got different spawn spot.
Please make squad with the players near you to avoid being hit by your team members. Also disable your PvP faction protections.
Both Red and Blue teams will have their name colors temporarily changed to show which team they belong to (red and blue respectively), along with Red team players got an aura above their head and special buff (red sword), to help players recognize team members and opponents.

Event goal
The goal of event is to destroy the crystal situated at enemy's base. The Crystal will become untargetable for 2 minutes at 80%/60%/40% HP.
To do this you have to clear your way by defeating your opponents.
If you die, you can come back to the battlefield via Heroic Battle Manager.
Blue team's Crystal is located at Red team's base. Red team's Crystal is located at Blue team's base.
Destroying one crystal makes the other one disappear.
That teams wins, which has successfully destroyed the enemy crystal first.
* Winning team will receive - 800 Event Coins which can be exchanged at Divinity manager for a vast variety of rewards
* Losing team will receive - 300 Event Coins which can be exchanged at Divinity manager for a vast variety of rewards
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